This service is provided by Yulia Pal. It is an add-on to Soul Profile Reading and Clearing.
The Manifesting Blueprint
The reader will access your Soul’s Manifesting Blueprint, which is contained in your 7th-dimensional aspect.
This reading will help you understand:
- how you are divinely ‘configured’ to create,
- which of your current actions are out of alignment.
Uncover Blockages on the Personality Level
The process of successful manifestation of your intentions in the physical reality has at least six factors.
If your current actions do not bring the desired result, you need to find out where you have blocked the process of manifestation.
Session format
I need 4-6 days to prepare the Blueprint. We will then have a 30-60 min session, in person or over the phone, to discuss several different ways that your Soul is designed to manifest. Will discuss the blockages on the Soul and personality levels.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions.
You will get your Blueprint description in a soft-copy format.
Soul Manifesting Blueprint Reading
- India – INR 5000.
- Overseas (full form) USD 100.
PayPal is accepted.
How to Book a Session
Not everyone’s Akashic Records can be accessed, so please send me a request before booking a session with the following information:
- the full name of the person (the present name and the name at birth),
- the place of birth
- the date of birth
- the current place of residence.
This information is kept confidential, and it will be deleted after the Akashic Records services have been provided.
Request form:
I will revert with confirmation within 24 hours. The seats are limited in a month.
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