Remote Healing
In 2016 I had several distance healing sessions with Ajay Pal that helped me to avoid surgery. Ajay helped to stop purulent inflammation and detected the reason of fever that I had for a month. I had fever and issue with immune system, and depressive thoughts with lack of inner peace in heart/mind. When the healings started I noticed response to the process, temperature decreased and the positive state of mind came back to me.
I feel very grateful to both Ajay and Yulia Pal for their kindness and help to stay healthy.
(Anna T., Russia, January 2017)
Heavy Flow Treated
Name: K GibbsPlace: Mumbai
Complaint: Heavy Flow
Healer: Capt. Ajay Pal
Date: 4-Jan-10
It was in the month of Nov 2009, the fifth day of my cycle. However, there seemed to be no respite from the same, instead the flow was only getting heavier. This made me very anxious and worried, as one would be, considering I am in my late 40s !
I then contacted Capt. Ajay Pal in Delhi telephonically, who had also treated me in the past. With his continued assurance and intense healing, I was immensely relieved. Within a matter of one week, I observed that the heavy flow and frequency had reduced considerably and eventually stopped. This saved me the ordeal of undergoing the numerous tests and examinations which one would have to go through, under normal circumstances.
I am sincerely grateful to pranic healing and Capt. Ajay Pal for curing me completely without any complications. Till date I am absolutely fine.
Endometrial Hyperplasia
Name: Kim – Mumbai
Healer: Capt. Ajay PalIt was August 2008, and I was very anxious, disturbed and depressed after my visit to the gynaecologist. I had been bleeding heavily for almost a whole month. Doctor said it was an onset of menopause, and advised me to do an immediate sonography of the uterus, the impression of which was:
• Bladder – wall thickness is normal.
• Uterus – bulky uterus with endometrial hyperplasia (ET 1.72 cm). This was not normal.
• Ovaries – Both ovaries are normal
On reporting this to the gynac, she advised an immediate D&C (dilation & curation) and said that this could be cancerous in future. The word “CANCEROUS” (unnecessary at this juncture) got me all anxious and upset. Of course, I was reluctant to go ahead with the D&C until I contacted Capt. Ajay Pal. After an hour long chat with Ajay, I felt so relieved and relaxed, as he reassured me that this was a natural process and there was nothing to worry about. For me, this was half the battle won, unlike doctors who put unnecessary fear into you. He also assured me that he would heal me.
Thus, the healing process began and I could notice the changes on a day to day basis. Within a period of about two weeks, I was back to normal (without any medication). Just for my satisfaction, I did another sonography and Guess What ?? the endometrial hyperplasia showed normal. I remember I was on ‘top of the world’ when I spoke to Ajay to tell him the results. I am really indebted to Ajay and want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for healing me.
I have promised to enroll for the Pranic Healing course.
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