Patient: Gaurav Choudhary
Healer : Ajay Pal
I had been drinking regularly for almost 13 years and had of late observed that my drinking occasions had increased from say 2 -3 times a week to almost 4-5 times a week and almost always on weekends. The no. of drinks /occasion too seemed to have increased from 2 to 3-4.
I was aware that drinking is not beneficial while doing meditation, especially the higher meditations one learns in Arhatic Yoga. I tried to reduce the no of occasions and the no of drinks / occasion, to no avail. In April, decided to abstain from drinking till Wesak, as a lot of cleansing and energizing was to take place during this period.
I also took regular healings from Ajay with support from Charu to enable me to resist the temptation of drinking, besides their constant encouragement. At the same time, constantly invoked to Master Choa, Lord Buddha Kwan Yin & MahaGuruji for their blessings and help in this aspect of ‘Self Mastery’. I used the blue triangle a lot as well, besides meditating regularly. I also realized that the ‘elementals’ in our body are weak and that strong will and regular meditation and healings can easily overcome them.
Whilst was a bit tough initially to completely abstain from drinking, over time, the desire too reduced drastically, till some time back, when I actually stop feeling the desire at all. Whilst initially I kept away from friends who used to drink from fear of getting tempted, recently I have observed that I do not feel any urge to drink even in the company of friends who consume alcohol or while attending any party wherein liquor is served.
I have so much to thank Pranic Healing for – helping me stop Smoking 3 years back and now drinking.
Atma Namaste
Gaurav Choudhary
(14 September 2009)
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